RentacanTokyo Camper rental campany near Narita International Airport
Eastern Japan RVrental campany
RentacanTokyo Camper rental campany near Narita International Airport
business hours
9: 00 ~ 20 : 00

Irregular holiday
Car model
Camper car medium sized: Mash,
Camper car big sized:Regard
※Winter only
Camper car small sized:Delica pop-up VAN,
※Winter only

Camping trailer
Main facilities
Sub battery
Traveling charging system
FF heater
Cassette gas stove
Back monitor
Rental fee
From 10,000 yen per day
Here is the point
Secure rental shop with unlimited mileage.
Pickups are also OK from Narita Airport and hotels in Narita city.
Shop interview
We offer various optional items such as tent, sleeping bag, bonfire table and so on.
You can go for a car trip without placing a big baggage on an airplane.
campany site
Camper rental camper van Narita International Airport RentacanTokyo